Portable PA system for Garments industry

garments pa system

Portable PA system for a garments industry is very important to convey different emergency message to the mass workers. Large number of worker generally works in a factory building most of the time in a hazardous environment. Due to continuous sound from heavy swing machinery and other cutting machine sound is always polluting in the factory floor. That’s why without a portable PA system it is very difficult to draw attention of garments worker in case of emergency.


portable pa system bd


What is Garments portable PA system?

Portable PA system is complete sound equipment that consists of microphones, amplifier, and speakers required to reinforce the sound emanating from a source in order to provide adequate loudness for comfortable hearing by the audience. Microphone receives the message that is supposed to be informed. The amplifier amplifies the sound that is fed into it from the microphone. The speaker is the distributor of the sound that has been amplified by the amplifier. Speaker of a Garments portable PA system must be very powerful, because they have to carry the sound over the accumulated noises of several thousands of people.

Where are these needs to place?

In every floor in the factory building should install a suitable microphone point from where anyone can speak by simply switching on the microphone. Each floor should have separate microphone point. Central amplifiers pass the messages to every floor through many loud speakers. Authority should give proper training to all workers to familiarize about the use of garments portable PA system, so that they can use it when any dangers happen.

Legal compliance of warning system in garment industry

Portable PA system
In the Act, section-62 mention the precaution against fire that, every establishment shall have an alternative stair connected to every floor as a means of escape in case of fire and be equipped with fire extinguisher with adequate warning systems. Due to absence of warning systems most of the time workers feel unsafe, insecure and hazardous conditions which often lead to work injuries and factory fires. Very recent incidences were Tazreen Fashion and Rana Plaza occurrences. Opinion leaders say a proper portable PA system might minimize those unexpected deaths in a greater extent.

Use of portable PA system in a garments factory:

  • Make alarm during fire/earthquake etc.
  • Give any important notice for the workers
  • Preside over meeting among specific workers team.
  • Announce prayer time during working hour.
  • Conduct First Aid training to the workers.
  • To call doctor/nurse from Doctor’s room in case of any accident.
  • Provide necessary in-house training to the employees.
  • Public announcement in case of emergencies.


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